El Congreso insta al Gobierno a favorecer obras de accesibilidad con la abstención de PP, Junts y PNV.

The Plenary of the Congress has approved this Thursday a Non-Legislative Proposition (PNL) presented by the socialist parliamentary group urging the Government to adapt the Horizontal Property Law to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to «promote the realization of accessibility improvement works in residential buildings established under horizontal property regime.»

The initiative has been supported by the PSOE, Sumar, Podemos, ERC, and Bildu, with the abstention of the Popular Party, Junts, and PNV, and the rejection of Vox. In total, it has obtained 166 votes in favor, 33 against, and 147 abstentions.

«This draft highlights universal accessibility as a right for individuals to claim before the courts and also establishes a state fund to promote it in public areas. It also includes a modification of the Horizontal Property Law to compel competent authorities to offer financial assistance for accessibility works in residential buildings and also to require the communities of neighbors in each building to apply for this aid if requested by any of the resident individuals,» explained PSOE deputy Emilio Saez during the defense of the PNL in the Congress Plenary last Tuesday.

The socialist deputy invited to put oneself in the shoes of those who suffer «this discrimination on a daily basis.» «Imagine that this Thursday, when you return home, you have an accident. Due to that accident, your spinal cord breaks. And as a result, you will have to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair,» he indicated.

In addition to rest, immobilization, and rehabilitation, the deputy pointed out that when these individuals return home, they will encounter a lack of accessibility.

«When they convene a meeting of the community of neighbors to propose that their entrance be accessible and see that this point is not approved, either because the majority does not see it as necessary without thinking that they will need it when they are older, or because the community of neighbors, even if they want to, do not have the resources to carry out such work. In both cases, the result will be the same. You will not be able to leave your home independently. And that is where your home will become your prison, as it is for 100,000 people in our country,» he pointed out.


In the turn of positions, the Popular Party deputy Violante Tomás explained that they do not see this PNL «clear» because it «does not specify measures or funding.» «Where are the aids for communities of neighbors to carry out the reforms to guarantee accessibility without having to face unbearable economic burdens? And we are tired of empty promises,» Tomás emphasized, while criticizing the PSOE for this initiative seeming more like an attempt to steal the limelight from the Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduy.

Along the same lines, Vox deputy María de la Cabeza Ruiz described the PNL as a «scam, pure political posturing, and deception» because it «does not provide a single concrete measure to promote access to housing for people with reduced mobility.» «Why instead of bringing us this empty and contentless proposal, don’t they bring us a modification of the law based on the conclusions of that working group?» she asked the socialists.

Meanwhile, Sumar deputy Vicenç Vidal Matas stated that it is «a necessity» for homes to be more accessible. He also denounced that it is currently «impossible to have a decent home» in the Balearic Islands due to its price.

The deputy from Esquerra Republicana, Etna Estrems, also supported the initiative, citing three examples of «resilience» and «courage»: Montse Pous, who «despite only being able to move her head, still worked, did journalism, and above all lived intensely»; Enrique Rovira, responsible for the entire accessibility project in Barcelona for the Paralympic Games and the Seville Expo, and Anna Almazán, a colleague from Esquerra Republicana «who moves and lives a life full of courage on her electric hip.»

On the other hand, Podemos deputy Noemí Santana criticized this PNL as «authentic hypocrisy» since there is still «no accessible space» in the Congress and it is an attempt to patch up a much more serious problem. In her opinion, «it is not about making small adjustments to the Horizontal Property Law» but a «deep and real reform» is needed, although she did indicate that they would support the initiative.

Furthermore, the PNV deputy Maribel Vaquero indicated that this PSOE proposition is «difficult to reject,» although she insisted on the need for aids. Specifically, she remembered all the elderly people living in very old buildings, without an elevator, who are forced to live within four walls and with great difficulties to access the street.


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