Page critica el bloqueo político en el Congreso y afirma que en C-LM «no se traducirá en descuentos en servicios» – Opinión del presidente de Castilla-La Mancha.

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha criticó el «bloqueo en la política nacional» el viernes, enfatizando que afectan los «problemas esenciales» y hace que las comunidades autónomas sean «víctimas invisibles», después de rechazar en el Congreso de los Diputados por el voto opuesto de la jungla , PP y VOX a las medidas. Sin embargo, dijo que «independientemente de la consecuencia del bloqueo político en España no se traducirá en descuentos de servicios públicos» en Castilla-La Mancha.

During the inauguration of the works of the new shelter in Villanueva de Torre (Guadalajara), the regional president described the rejection of the decree in Congress as «collective irresponsibility», extending criticism of the blockade to the general budgets and the spending ceiling.

«I think it will have to be resolved one way or another, because no one will win if you play for everything not to be bad,» said García-Page, emphasizing that «it is harmful to all Spaniards, generally losing General Policy and especially majority parties.

The president of Castilla-La Mancha has indicated the effect on public services of the blockade, ensuring that it condemns autonomous communities «to establish mandatory reductions in public services.»

In this sense, he emphasized that «if a new spending scenario is not processed, the reality and possibilities of this region, for Castilla-La Mancha, literally reduce by 100 million euros.»

However, the regional president pledged to «fight for the autonomous communities to not be victims.» «In this region, we will not reduce anything due to political blockade,» García-Page reiterated, adding that it will not affect his effort to meet «even the deficit scenario.»

Furthermore, the regional president reiterated the need to address a reform of the regional financing system, recalling that «more than a decade of delay» is causing «impressive suffering to the large public services that affect people.»


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